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  • Open communication is important. Please feel free to talk to the child's teacher or drop a note at the office if no one is available. Parents are expected to escort their child into the play room, this is a good time to exchange information about the child.
  • A parent bulletin board is available with announcements, resource information, menu, current licensing reports, and community information.
  • A  newsletter is produced to keep families informed.
  • Parents will be given the opportunity on an annual basis to evaluate the program and environment to assist us with program development. Parents are welcome to share input at any time.
  • The centre accepts children at 6:45 a.m.  Children must be escorted into their playroom. Parents need to allow enough time to assist their children in hanging up coats, etc.
  • We request that children arrive by 9:00 a.m., so they can take full advantage of the morning program.
  • Parents must sign their their child in and out daily on the sign in sheets.
  • The centre closes at 6:00 p.m. Parents are to pick up their child from the playrooms and inform teachers the child is leaving. If you have an emergency and are going to be late, please call the centre so your child doesn't feel abandoned. Parent's who are late on a continual basis will be charged $100.0 for every five minutes late.
  • Parents must sign their child out before leaving the centre.
  • If someone other than the parent is picking up a child, a signed, written permission letter must be provided if you have not listed the person on your child's application form when registered.  Individual's picking up a child will be asked for identification.
  • Children should be dressed comfortably and suitably for play, both indoor and outdoor. Messy activities, sand, playdough and water, even when smocks are worn can result in dirty clothes. A change of labeled clothing should be left at the centre. As we go outside daily, children must be dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Each child has their own labeled cubby for their belongings. Please check daily for art work, information and personal belongings. Every Friday personal items must be taken home so the cubbies can be cleaned and sanitized.
  • If a child has a special item that bridges the gap from home to daycare it is acceptable to bring and we will work with you and your child to make it a positive sharing experience.
  • We ask that toys from home not be brought to the centre. Experience has shown us that toys from home can create concerns. They may become lost, or they may cause tears or conflicts with other children who want to play with them. Play guns, weapons or any toys that encourages aggressive play are not allowed. We are trying to build cooperation and concern for one another; these toys cause aggression, competition and hostile feelings. Also no gum, candies, pop corn, money or nut products.
  • All personal items must be labeled. This is very important to determine ownership and in guiding a child to take care of their belongings.
  • Birthday treats are optional. If the birthday  is to be at the centre, please notify us ahead of time so we can plan afternoon snack around it.
  • Emergency numbers are posted. The daycare is equipped with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, an alarm system and emergency lighting that comply with Alberta Fire Code. Equipment is inspected yearly. An Emergency Evacuation Plan is posted in the centre and fire drills are practiced monthly.
  • Hand washing is essential in the prevention of  communicable diseases or spread of colds and flu. Hand washing is completed after toileting, blowing noses, after sand, water or playdough play; before and after eating, entering the centre and diapering. Washrooms are equipped with liquid soap, paper towel and waste baskets. 
  • Allergies, effect and action must be recorded on the child application form.  This information is recorded on allergy sheets in the centre and on emergency child records. Emergency records are taken when the children are off site.
  • Prescription medication will only be given to children if it is in the original container, labeled with the child's name, dosage, doctor's name and prescription number. The medication must be signed in authorizing permission to administer the medication at the time and dosage directed by the prescription.  Medications must be handed from adult hand to adult hand.  Over the counter medication will not be administered, unless there is a prescription for it from the doctor.
  • Any special medical conditions must be reported on the child application. Written medical instructions must be provided.
  • First Aid kits are kept in each room and are in backpacks for outdoors. All teacher's have childcare first aid.
  • All incidents/accidents are recorded and reported to supervisor and parent. The incident/accident report must be signed by the person who witnessed and completed the report, supervisor and parent.
  • Children 3 years old and up go on field trips. You will be notified in advance where they are going and by what means of transportation.  Parents must sign a field trip authorization form.
  • If  applying for subsidy, the application forms can be acceded on line at:
  • Should a child become ill or injured during the day, parents will be contacted. The child will be kept comfortable, supervised and away from the group until the parent arrives. If the illness or injury is minor an employee trained in first aid will give medical assistance. If the illness/injury is serious, emergency medical action be taken. The child will be transported to hospital by ambulance.  Ambulance cost is the responsibility of the parent.


Any suspected child abuse will be documented and reported.
This is a confidential matter, all childcare educators have signed confidentially agreements.
Child Abuse Hotline:  1 800 387-KIDS  (1 800 387-5437)


A safe environment, inside and outside must be maintained at all times.

  • Smoke free environment
  • Children must wear slippers or indoor shoes
  • Medications must be received from adult hand to adult hand
  • Toys and equipment are child proof,  broken toys and equipment are removed immediately
  • Playground gate is secure when playground is used, playground is inspected to ensure safety
  • Child have individual cubbies, that are cleaned and sanitized weekly
  • Pro active hand washing
  • First Aid kit in each room and taken when off site
  • Fire drills practiced monthly
  • Emergency procedures in place
  • All child care educators have child care first aid
  • All food is prepared in our kitchen, the cook has approved qualifications and a Food Safety Certificate from the Board of Health
  • Parents must supply sunblock with appropriate UV blocking and sign authorization for sunblock
  • Parents must supply appropriate labeled clothing for all weather conditions and play.
  • Parents must sign child in and out daily
  • In event of emergency child will be transported to hospital by ambulance
  • If a child is sick, parents are asked to keep the child at home
  • Cleaning schedules in place for toys and equipment
  • Early childhood educators are aware of and follow all policies and procedures
  • All incident/accidents are reported and recorded